Friday, 9 September 2011

Leaving London and starting in Colombia

We departed from Garratt Lane in London at 5 am in the morning to begin our epic journey. It still seems unreal that we are about to embark on this journey. The first leg of our journey was from Heathrow to Madrid on Iberia. This was one of the most uncomfortable flights we had been on. The seats are really small and we were still tired from the early start and we didn't get much sleep on this short trip. All was going according to plan, but as we were about to board the plane in Madrid it was delayed, neither of our Spanish being very good we struggled to figure out what exactly was happening and worried that any delays would cause us to miss our connecting flight from Bogata to Cartegena.

After a short delay we were on our way, we were seated in row 50, of 50, with a blind man, another single man and his screaming 2yr old, and all the toliet goers to keep us company on the 10 hour flight. Safe to say ipods and books came in very handy! We made it to Bogota in good time to make our connecting flight. The only trouble is that there is pretty much no English anywhere here, finding our way was a little tricky, but we managed to get some Colombian Pesos and make it to our departure gate without too much hastle. The last leg of a very long journey to Cartegena was short and very comfortable with no issues.

After 21 hours of travelling we were finally beginning our journey on Columbian soil...

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